
The Parkour Self-Mastery Code of Honor is the cornerstone of a positive Parkour environment. Please email or print out for every client to have & prominently display it on your website. Download link below.
  • The Parkour Self-Mastery Code of Honor is the cornerstone of a positive Parkour Academy and must be displayed prominently on your website and in one or more places in your gym. Available for printable download in two sizes.
  • This poster is here for you to use as a visual promotional tool during your classes as well as a caution sign to any by standards passing by your coaching zone..
  • Class Log
  • Class Log Description
  • Monthly Evaluation Sheet
  • Exemplar Waiver
    It is mandatory for all students to sign a liability waiver BEFORE they begin their first class with you. Failure to do so may result in the denial of an insurance claim should an accident occur. If the student is under 18, then the waiver must be signed by a parent. Waivers differ from state to state, but the waiver provided is good for general use.
    Before using this waiver, please have it reviewed by an attorney to make sure it conforms to your state's standards.
  • Pro-Trainer Incident Report
    Should an injury of any sort occur during your class, it is imperative that you immediately write a detailed report of precisely what happened and how, the apparent condition of the injured student, and any actions taken. The form provided will make it easy for you to do that. Please maintain a paper and/or digital record of both the waiver and any incident reports for future reference.